Six years ago my son's beloved babysitter collapsed in her home of a heart attack. I'll never forget that Friday evening in November when I picked up my one year old boy after a long day at work. The nurturing mother of three and grandmother of two told me she wasn't feeling well but wasn't terribly concerned. Indigestion routinely set in when she consumed salads especially ones from fast food restaurants. We agreed that she would get off her feet and rest a bit then said our goodbyes confident that when we met up again on Monday morning she would be back to her old self. It never happened. The discomfort continued through the night and into the next day until her 52-year old heart stopped beating. What she and her family didn't know was that her symptoms were signs of heart attack. My background as a health reporter made me aware that women often present different signs of heart attack than men. But that reality didn't truly hit home until I saw a beautiful, seemingly healthy woman miss the warning signs and in doing so, miss out on the medical help that could have saved her life.
Although chest pain is commonly associated with heart attacks, one study found fewer than 30-percent of women experienced chest pain before they had a heart attack.
Along with pain, pressure or a squeezing sensation in the middle of the chest, women who are having a heart attack can also feel:
1.) Discomfort in the arms, back, neck, jaw or stomach
2.) Shortness of breath
3.) Indigestion
4.) Cold sweats
5.) Dizziness
The majority of women who have had a heart attack also say they experienced new and unusual physical symptoms up to a month before having a heart attack.
Since heart disease remains the number one killer of women, it benefits each of us to study the symptoms of heart attack and hold them to memory. Most importantly, if you experience these symptoms, don't ignore them. Call 911 and get medical attention quickly!
To learn how to reduce your risk of heart disease, click here: http://www.goredforwomen.org/
GREAT post. Thank you so much for writing this. It's something we women really need to know.
ReplyDeleteGreat Blog I appreciate the blog for this very informative information .....