Ladies, is your job stressing you out? A new study recently presented to the American Heart Association indicates that women in low-creativity, high-stress jobs that offer little decision making are at higher risk for heart attack. Doctors have long made the connection between job stress and heart disease risk in men, but they weren't sure if the same was the case for women. After following more than 17,000 professional women for over a decade, researchers now have an answer. They determined that those in high stress positions were nearly 90-percent more likely than their less stressed co-workers to have a heart attack. Women in pressure cooker jobs were also more likely to have heart surgery.
What's interesting about this research is that job instability does not appear to pose the same risk to heart health. The study found worrying about job loss did not have the same impact.
If you're feeling pressure at work, doctors recommend you exercise to ease your stress. Consider taking a walk on your lunch break. Strengthening social networks can also be effective at reducing stress, so when you take that walk, do it with a friend!
For more information about risk factors for heart disease, click on the following link:
I love this particular blog as it gives you a hint to the levels of stress we incur on a regular basis, depending on where work and what we do...especially the women.
ReplyDeleteI can totally relate to this Kellye! Although any job right now should be counted as a blessing. The day to day grind especially where there's a lack of autonomy can wear on you (and your heart).