Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Enjoy Thanksgiving Without Gaining Weight


  Here's something to consider before you dig into your Thanksgiving Day feast.    Health experts estimate that most people will consume 3,000 to 5,000 calories in just one sitting!  It's no surprise that most of those calories don't come from the turkey, but from all of the other yummy sides that go along with it. 
Here are a few suggestions to help you stay fit and trim this Thanksgiving.
1.  Eat breakfast.  People who are super hungry when they sit down to eat their turkey dinner tend to eat more than those who aren't famished.
2.  Load up on veggies.  If you put plenty of vegetables on your plate they'll cover most of it, leaving only a little room for the more fattening fare.
3.  Avoid turkey skin.  The skin is packed with fat and calories.
4.  Exercise portion control.  Enjoy the foods that you like, but take a couple of bites instead of a couple of mounds!
5. Forget the finger foods!   Unless you know they're healthy and low in calories, avoid them.
6.  Chew slowly.  Doing so reduces your calorie intake per minute and allows your body to feel full faster.
7.  When you're satisfied, stop eating.  Fitness expert Tamilee Webb suggests you wait 15 minutes after consuming a plate of food before you reach for dessert or any other additional calories.  If you wait, chances are, you'll eat less.
8. Avoid second helpings.  Once you've eaten one plate, you're done!
9. Drink water.  It's a no calorie drink that's much healthier than alcohol, sugary sodas or coffee.
10.  Take a walk.  Exercising on Thanksgiving morning or after you have your dinner can help you burn calories and feel better.
  Have a wonderful holiday!!!

1 comment:

  1. With Thanksgiving dinner just hours away, I really enjoyed reading this blog. I found myself actually planning in my head how to navigate my meal already! Thanks
